Grand Rapids, MN, Pokegama Lake, Sunny Shores Resort #1, ca 1940s

Grand Rapids, MN, Pokegama Lake, Sunny Shores Resort #1, ca 1940s

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18 Responses to Grand Rapids, MN, Pokegama Lake, Sunny Shores Resort #1, ca 1940s

  1. Carol says:

    My family spent time in the summer at Sunny Shores since 1949. I remember Bocks, Paul and Rachel, and Bill and Ona. We now have our own cabin here along with many old friends from my childhood who own cabins here, too. All the memories described are familiar to me. Cabins have changed, been updated, but the old slide is still on the beach, the marina is still intact with lots of structural repairs to the boathouse down there, and the “lodge” where we bought popsicles and some groceries is much the same, though now owned and occupied by members of the Hoogestraat family.
    No places for sale, sorry. And when they do rarely come up, they are usually snatched up by extended family members of current residents.

  2. Katie says:

    I was wondering if anyone had any information or memories about my family that used to spend the summers at Sunny Shores. Fred and Geri Kiesling, their sons Dave and Danny. Dave is my father.
    I was born after the resort closed, but we had a cabin just west of the resort, so I grew up on Pokegama too. I have so many fond memories of those summers.
    If anyone had stories to share, photos, or would like to connect with Dave, I would love it.

  3. ……:…. I am very interested in purchasing one of the cabins at former Sunny Shores resort……I would be grateful if anyone could give me a lead on who might be interested in selling please let me know……. My phone number is 618-410-2037
    My wife’s number is 618-789-3064…… Thank-you,
    Ronald Eberhart

  4. Please call or e-mail me……. I would very much like to but one of the cottages on Sunny Shores…….. Could you please let me know if you know of anyone who is interested in selling.
    Thank-you, Ron Eberhart

  5. Ronald Eberhart says:

    I vacationed at Sunny Shores often as a kid……. When my family 1st came up the resort was owned by a man named Bock the Bill Walker and Paul Green……., I love the good times We had there.
    I’m interested in buying one of the cabins if any are available.
    I would greatly appreciate any information you could provide…….
    Please call me at 618-410-2037 or 618-789-3064 (wife)
    My e-mail is…….
    ………. Any information you could prove is greatly appreciated……. Thank You,
    Ron Eberhart… 977 Holiday Point Parkway, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025

  6. Lora Markley says:

    My grandparents and Uncle/Aunt, the MacQueens, from Illinois bought the double cabin (second from the end by the harbor side and where owners used to drive between to put their boats in) in the early 1970’s. My grandparents and my mother and her brother vacationed there most summers when it was run by the proprietors and love it so much they purchased one. Myself and my 3 siblings would spend every summer/all summer there with our grandparents starting in 1974 until 1985 when we starting going off to college. Best time every! We had the summer friends from folks who bought the cabins also. The Johnson family from Illinois, Dr. Burton and his family from Minneapolis, Hilda Hoogestraat and her grandchildren and family who were there for the summer. Swimming in lake, waterskiing, fishing and playing flashlight tag each night under the stars and watching the fireworks on the 4th they would shoot off on Nesbitt Island. Loved going into town eating at Bridgeman’s and getting their ice cream as a treat, which I heard they closed a few years back; getting the best date bars every year at the bakery in town. We always bought 4 dozen back home with us when the summer was over. The Blandin paper company that was a main employer of the town; The Judy Garland museum that was in the center square; the Ben Franklin store that had everything and always getting a pair of moccasins and a turquoise ring each summer from one of the gift shops in town. Sad when my Uncle sold the cabin back in the 90’s. Would love to spend a week there but don’t know if anyone rents out their cabins anymore. If you do know anyone who does rent theirs out would welcome that contact.

    • Please call me if you know of anyone who wants to sell a cabin on Sunny Shores resort on Pokegama Lake.
      Thank-you, Ronald Eberhart 977 Holiday Point Parkway ,Edwardsville, Illinois
      Ph. 618-410-2037 or 618-789-3064
      …… Thank-you. Ron Eberhart

    • Kathy says:

      Just found this site and what wonderful memories! We use to vacation there for years in the late 60’s until the middle 70’s. We always stayed at the double cabin…
      My grandparents in the smaller side and us in the larger side. Such wonderful memories-from fishing, swimming, penny candy from the lodge, flash light tag, and snipe hunting…plus many more! We got elephant ears at the bakery and I always came home with a turquoise ring each summer.
      Such wonderful memories and some great pictures!!!

  7. Diane Bester says:

    My family was there in early 1960’s about the time it was sold. I remember my dad and uncle Kenny trying to talk Grandpa Magnuson into investing in the property. What a wonderful place in our childhoods! Best memories ever! If anyone knows any original owners or family, please email me. would love to thank them.

  8. Cynthia Kauzlarich Ocken says:

    My family stayed here from 1960 to around 1980 when the Greens and Walkers owned the resort. I think it was closed shortly after 1980 and the cabins were sold to individuals. My cousins purchased and still own the last cabin to the west of the lodge at the top of the hill.

  9. Mark Jungling says:

    My Grandpa Dr. M.O. Hoogestraat bought it when the resort was sold in the early 70s. Their are 4 family members that still spend a lot of time there through out the summer and some in the winter. Great place to vacation.

    • Mark Jungling says:

      He bought the lodge house, sorry I omitted that.

    • Tom Lindberg says:

      I remember the Hoogestraats from Iowa: The kids – James (?), Tammy, and Tommy from the late ‘50’s. Their dad was a chiropractor and they came there every summer for couple of weeks. Maybe 10-15 years ago I visited Sunny Shores and Tommy & family we’re there living in the last cabin toward the boat dock. I wonder if he still owns it and can tell me what happened to his older sister and older yet brother.

      • Laci says:

        Tom Hoogestraat still owns a cabin there and Hilda Hoogestraat’s children (Ron, Delores, Vicki, and Tom) have one also. They still come up often to enjoy the lake.

        • Tom Lindberg says:

          Laci, Do you have an email contact I can use for Tom Hoogestraat? I’d like to check with him regarding his brother and sister. I’d also like to investigate whether any cabins are coming for sale there and what the status of the old resort is. His older brothers name may be Ron rather than Jim in my May 2022 email above. He can contact me at

        • Tom Lindberg says:

          Laci – Any contact information available for Tommy or Ron Hoogestraat?

  10. Jim Thompson says:

    This brings back some great memories. We vacationed here when Arthur and Elizabeth Baock owned the resort and also when the Green’s and Walker’s owned it. Thank you for posting! Jim Thompson

  11. Rhonda Leach says:

    My grand aunt and uncle Rachel and Psul Green were proprietors of Sunny Shores along with Billie and Ona Walker; your pictures are of great interest to me.

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