We are pleased that Rick Wolfe has shared another 70+ postcards, his twelfth contribution. These photos are especially significant to Rick, since some of them show early life at Serpent Lake, located between Crosby and Deerwood, where Rick currently lives year-round. Many of these photos are over a hundred years old. The below video previews these latest 70+ photos added to the “Shared Photos” section of this website, in the “Minnesota-wide Collection #1” and “Shakopee-area health spas.”
We sincerely thank Rick for his generous sharing of early lake and resort photos, which now total over 950+ images! For those who would like to purchase any of these postcards, or get unwatermarked digital copies, you can contact him at the Rick Wolfe Stamp and Coin Company, his ebay store, at:
YOUTUBE VIDEO INSTRUCTIONS: Click on the “play” triangle icon in the middle of the image. Pause the video at any time by clicking the vertical bars in the lower left corner, then resume playing by again clicking on the “play” triangle. Each photo in the video can also be viewed individually in the “Shared Photos” section. Enjoy!
Nice photos, Ren! Buz and I are working like crazy. Will let up after the holidays. Love to all of you in Minnesota, and I know how much everyone will enjoy this addition.